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Welcome to Ocklynge Junior School

It gives me great pleasure on behalf of all the staff, children, parents and governors to warmly welcome you to our wonderful school website.

I am extremely proud to be the Headteacher at Ocklynge Junior School. Our children are inquisitive, polite and well-behaved. They enjoy learning and relish the wider opportunities we offer, whether that be sports, Forest School or our creative arts. Ocklynge is a very happy and welcoming school with a staff team that is talented, nurturing and inspirational. We all aspire to provide the best learning experience possible.

Our shared aim is to provide an outstanding education for children of all abilities. We offer a wide range of opportunities to inspire children in their learning. We want every child to achieve their own highest possible expectations and actively encourage close co-operation between home, school and the wider community.

We are all immensely proud of our school and look forward to sharing that with you soon.

Paul Reilly
