All staff at Ocklynge School are expected to be positive role models in promoting these values.
Ocklynge School has Rainbow groups, which meet weekly to discuss issues raised in class. The Rainbow groups are genuinely able to effect changes within the school. Every decision made is voted on by the whole school community.
Pupils in Year 6 study local and national democracy as part of their PSHEe curriculum. They also visit the houses of Parliament as part of their historical perspective of democracy in this country.
The importance of rules and laws are consistently reinforced at Ocklynge School.
We follow our simple rules and the pupils are taught the values and reasons behind them. They understand that they are there to protect us and keep order.
Pupils are made aware of the responsibilities that this involves and the consequences when rules are broken.
At Ocklynge School, we encourage pupils to make informed choices in a safe environment.
They are taught to know and understand their rights, responsibilities and personal freedoms through our eSafety and PSHEe curriculum.
At Ocklynge School, pupils learn that their behaviours have an effect on their own rights and those of others.
All members of the school community are encouraged to treat each other with respect. One of our core values is: respect.
Pupils are made aware that we may not always agree with others, but we show respect for their thoughts and feelings.
We develop tolerance of different faiths in RE lessons and PSHE lessons, where we reinforce messages of tolerance and respect for other races, beliefs and moral values.
In assemblies, we reinforce our values and rules.
Members of different faiths are encouraged to share their knowledge with the pupils to enhance their understanding and empathy.