The pupils at Ocklynge are encouraged to be creative and imaginative in their learning in all curriculum areas.
They are expected to think, explore and discuss and to deepen their thinking. Our RE and PSHE curriculum provides opportunities for pupils to develop knowledge and insight into beliefs and values and to develop the ability to reflect on their own values.
There are also opportunities for reflecting upon fundamental issues such as good and evil, the origins of the universe and death and to explore values such as honesty, justice and truth.
During their time at Ocklynge, pupils are encouraged to reflect upon important beliefs and practices from various religions and to develop their own ideas and views on religious and spiritual issues.
It is important for pupils to recognise the difference between right and wrong and to understand the consequences of their behaviour and actions.
At Ocklynge we follow the Golden rules (see below) and these are displayed around the school building and form the basis of some assemblies.
All members of the school community are expected to keep these rules and pupils who break them are encouraged to reflect on their behaviour and the consequences of their actions.
Regular use of circle time to address issues enables the pupils to offer reasoned views about moral issues and to understand and appreciate the viewpoints of others.
Pupils at Ocklynge are expected to learn the benefits and responsibilities of belonging to a community.
They are encouraged to develop a sense of identity and belonging. We have a well- run and effective school council who contribute to the development of the school.
There is a system for feeding ideas up to the council and back to classes through the class councils. Membership also includes an annual visit to the Houses of Parliament with the local MP.
Pupils are involved in a range of charity fundraising events. In Year 6, the pupils research, present and vote for a charity to support for Term 1 and 2.
There are many opportunities for pupils to be involved in community projects such as singing with the choir in nursing homes, participating in the Junior Neighbourhood Watch scheme, organising charity fundraising events and dancing at a Remembrance Day event.
British Values are promoted across the curriculum.
Ocklynge School has a large number of pupils from differing backgrounds, cultures, races and religions. One of our school aims is;
“To instill respect and understanding for religious and moral values and tolerance of races, religions and ways of life.”
We promote diversity through our links with schools in other countries. We also invite a range of visitors, from different backgrounds, who take assemblies on various themes throughout the year.
We encourage pupils from different faiths and cultural backgrounds to share their knowledge and thus enhance learning and understanding.
There are many opportunities for pupils to participate in a number of artistic, sporting and cultural activities, from representing the school in various sports to performing to parents in end of term shows.
Every year group has a number of trips connected to their curriculum and has a visit from a theatre company to enhance their learning.